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Make contact with other angels and groups


  • We are one of the most active chapters of the HBS Alumni Angels Association, a group of 12 local chapters on 4 continents. We can introduce companies to Harvard investors across the globe.


  • The StartUp Partners program offers non-pitch advice and mentoring sessions for  founding teams.​



  • We syndicate companies for further funding with other HBS Alumni Angels chapters in New York, Chicago, London, Paris, Brazil, China, India, and elsewhere.


  • Other Angel groups we work with are:

    • Band of Angels​

    • Sand Hill Angels

    • Keiretsu Forum

    • Life Science Angels

    • Astia Angels

    • Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs

    • Berkeley Angels


© 2017-18 by HBSAA/NC

HBSA/NC and HBS Alumni Angels provide a forum for interesting early stage companies at a fund raising stage to present. However HBS Alumni Angels is not a fund, does not do crowd sourced fundraising, nor does it provide investment advice or recommendations.

Any due diligence, negotiation or investment activity conducted by members or officers of HBSA/NC or HBS Alumni Angels is conducted solely as an individual on their own accord as an accredited investor, not as an officer or representative of HBS, HBSA/NC or HBS Alumni Angels. While individuals may often work together informally in a group usually with a leader, this activity is always conducted independently and not a part of HBS, HBSA/NC or HBS Alumni Angels.

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