Make contact with other angels and groups
We are part of the Harvard Business School Association of Northern California (HBSA/NC) with a variety of programs, events, and networking opportunities.​​
We are one of the most active chapters of the HBS Alumni Angels Association, a group of 12 local chapters on 4 continents. We can introduce companies to Harvard investors across the globe.
The StartUp Partners program offers non-pitch advice and mentoring sessions for founding teams.​
We often hold events and meetings at Hero City at Draper University in San Mateo.
We syndicate companies for further funding with other HBS Alumni Angels chapters in New York, Chicago, London, Paris, Brazil, China, India, and elsewhere.
Other Angel groups we work with are:
Band of Angels​
Sand Hill Angels
Keiretsu Forum
Life Science Angels
Astia Angels
Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs
Berkeley Angels